Prof.Dr. İlker ERCAN                                             ENGLISH


 Lisans Eğitimi:

 İstatistik, Anadolu Üniversitesi, (1993)

Yüksek Lisans Eğitimi:

 Biyoistatistik, Uludağ Üniversitesi, (1995)

Doktora Eğitimi

 Biyoistatistik, Uludağ Üniversitesi, (2002)  
Atıflar Şekil Analizi ve Morfometri  Çalışma Grubu
İstatistiksel ve Metodolojik Yayınlar
Ortak ve Disiplinler Arası Yapılan Yayınlar
Yönetilen Tezler

İstatistiksel ve Metodolojik Yayınlar

Ahmadian R, ERCAN I
Evaluating the Sensitive Question Methods; Recommended Uludag Adjustment Proposal for the Crosswise Model
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation  DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2021.1998531
Yabacı Tak A, ERCAN I
Ensemble of Effect Size Methods Based on Meta Fuzzy Functions
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023 (119)105804
Yabacı Tak A, ERCAN I
Comprehensive evaluation of reference values of parametric and non- parametric effect size methods for two independent groups
International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research, 2022, 11, 88-96
F Approach Algorithm in Missing Landmark Problem
International Journal of Morphology 40(1): 1-9, 2022
Ahmadian R, ERCAN I, Sigirli D, Yildiz A
Combining Binary and Continuous Biomarkers by Maximizing the Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 2022, VOL. 51, NO. 8, 4396–4409

Yabacı Tak A, Can F E, Kaskır Kesin F, Ahmadian R., ERCAN I

Statistical Errors in Medical Residency Theses
Bezmıalem Scıence,2022;10(2):157-62
Kaya MO, ERCAN I, Ocakoglu G
Comparison of the Mantel-Haenszel and Peto Methods Used in Meta-Analysis: Methodological Study
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal Biostatistics 2021;13(3):252-65
Uzabaci E, ERCAN I, Alpu O.
Evaluation of Outlier Detection Method Performance in Symmetric Multivariate Distributions
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 2020; 49 (2): 516-531
Can FE, ERCAN I, Sigirli D, Kaya MO, Uysal O
Basic Sampling Methods: What is the Knowledge Level of Academic Staff?
European Journal of Rhinology and Allergy  2019; 2: 1-5
Gunel Karadeniz P, Uzabaci E, Atis S, Kaskir Kesin F, Can FE, Secil M, ERCAN I

Statistical Errors in Articles Published in Radiology Journals

Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 2019 Mar;25(2):102-108
Gunel Karadeniz P, ERCAN I.
On Comparing Survival Curves with Right-Censored Data According to the Events Occur at the Beginning, in the Middle and at the End of Study Period
International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research, 2018, 7(4):117-128 
Albishir MB, ERCAN I.
Assessment and Comparison of Two Source Capture Recapture Methods Performance.
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal Biostatistics 2018;10(2):114-22
Sigirli D, ERCAN I, Balcin O, Kaya E.
Adaptation of the Weighted Kaplan-Meier Method to Time-Dependent ROC Curves
Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 2018; 46 (1): 11 - 21
Kuyuk Atis S, ERCAN I
Commonly used statistical methods for detecting differential gene expression in microarray experiments
Biostatistics and Epidemiology International Journal 2017, 1(1):1-8.
ERCAN I, Sigirli D, Can FE, Ozkaya G, Alper Z.
First Course in Biostatistics at Medical Faculties: Explaining the Importance of Biostatistics
JP Journal of Biostatistics 2017; 14(1):75-84.
Gunel Karadeniz P, ERCAN I.
Examining tests for comparing of survival curves with right censored data
 Statistics in Transition - new series 2017;18(2):139-158
ERCAN I, Kaya MO, Uzabacı E, Mankir S, Can FE, Albishir MB.
Examining Of Published Articles With Respect To Statistical Errors In Veterinary Sciences.
Acta Veterinaria (Beograd) 2017;67(1):33-42.
Demirtas H, Ahmadian R, Atis S, Can FE, ERCAN I.
A nonnormal look at polychoric correlations: Modeling the change in correlations before and after discretization.
Computational Statistics (2016); 31(4):1385-1401
Cangur S, ERCAN I
Comparison of Model Fit Indices Used in Structural Equation Modeling Under Multivariate Normality
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, May 2015, Vol. 14, No. 1, 152-167
Sigirli D,  ERCAN I
Examining the efficiency of models using tangent coordinates or principal component scores in allometry studies.
Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences.(2015) 7:3: 249-256
Utkualp N, ERCAN I
Anthropometric Measurements Usage in Medical Sciences,
Biomed Research International vol. 2015, Article ID 404261, 7 pages, 2015.
ERCAN I , Sarikcioglu L, Smith HF, Sanchis-Gimeno JA, Peker T, Ozyigit G
Quantitative Anatomical Studies 
BioMed Research International,  vol. 2015,Article ID 781590, 2 pages, 2015.
ERCAN I, Sigirli D,  Ozkaya G
Examining the Variations in the Results of the Hotelling T2 Test in Case of Changing Baseline Landmarks in the Bookstein Coordinates. 
Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, (2015) 7:2:186–193
ERCAN I, Gunel Karadeniz P, Cangur S, Ozkaya G, Demirtas H
Examining of Published Articles with Respect to Statistical Errors in Medical Sciences
International Journal of Hematology and Oncology,2015; 25(2):130-138
Ocakoglu G, ERCAN I, Kaya MO, Uzabaci E, Can FE.
Investigating academic veterinarians’ knowledge of biostatistics: a web-based survey
Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg,62, 223-228, 2015
ERCAN I, Demirtas H
Statistical Errors in Medical Publication
Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal, 2015; 2(1): 00021.
Ocakoglu G, ERCAN I
Type I error rate for two-sample tests in statistical shape analysis.
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2014; 41(3): 141-152
Sigirli D,  ERCAN I
Growth and Allometry in Modern Morphometrics
Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Biostatistics 2013;5(1):42-8.
Ocakoglu G,  ERCAN I
Traditional and modern morphometrics
Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Biostatistics 2013;5(1):37-41.
Ocakoglu G, ERCAN I,  Gunel Karadeniz P.
Knowledge of Dentists About Biostatistics: A Worldwide Survey
e-Journal of Dentistry 2013;3(2):318-327
ERCAN I, Ocakoglu G, Ozkaya G, Sigirli D, Cangur S, Gunel Karadeniz P.

An international survey of physicians’ knowledge of biostatistics,

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences2013;33(2):401-9
Sigirli D,  ERCAN I
Examining Growth with Statistical Shape Analysis and Comparison of Growth Models
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods 2012; 11(2):479-92.
Ozkaya G, ERCAN I.
Examining Multiple Comparison Procedures According to Error Rate, Power Type, and False Discovery Rate
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods 2012;11(2):348-60.
Ozkaya G, Ediz B, ERCAN I.

İki Evreli Faz II Klinik Denemesi ve Farklı Tasarımlara Göre Örneklem Büyüklüğü

Türkiye Klinikleri Biyoistatistik Dergisi, 2012;4(2):70-80.
ERCAN I , Ocakoglu G, Sigirli D, Ozkaya G.
Statistical Shape Analysis and Usage in Medical Sciences
Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Biostatistics,2012;4(1):27-35.
ERCAN I, Ocakoglu G, Sigirli D, Ozkaya G

Assesment of submitted manuscripts according to statistical errors in medical sciences

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences 2012;32(5):1381-1387.
Sigirli D, ERCAN I, Jin Y, Paksoy E, Tolunay S, Tasdelen I.
Evaluating Cut-off Values with Time-Dependent ROC Curves for Ki67
Pakistan Journal of Statistics ,Vol.26, Oct 2010, No:4
Editöre mektup: p-değeri açık mı kapalı mı yazılmalı?
Çocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi. 2010 Mart, 4(10)::47.

ERCAN I, Ocakoglu G,  Guney I, Yazici B.

Adaptation of Generalizability Theory for Inter-Rater Reliability for Landmark Localization

International  Journal of  Tomography & Statistics, 2008 Jun, Vol. 9, No. S08:51-58
ERCAN I, Ozkaya G, Ocakoglu G, Yazici B, Sezer A, Ediz B, Kan I      
Determining Biostatistics Knowledge of Students and Physicians in Medical School
InterStat, 2008,  January, 3
ERCAN I, Yazici B, Sigirli D, Ediz B, Kan I
Examining Cronbach Alpha, Theta, Omega Reliability Coefficients  According To The Sample Size
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods,  2007, May, Vol. 6, No. 1
ERCAN I, Yazici B, Ocakoglu G, Sigirli D, Kan I
Review of Reliability and Factors Affecting the Reliability
InterStat, 2007 April, 8
ERCAN I, Yazici B, Yang Y, Ozkaya G, Cangur S, Ediz B, Kan I
Misusage of Statistics in Medical Researches
European Journal of General Medicine,  2007, 4(3):127-133
Ortak ve Disiplinler Arası Yapılan Yayınlar

Sanchis-Gimeno JA, Iglesias-Bexiga J, Schwab ME, López-García G, Ariza E, Calpe A, Mezquida M, Nalla S, ERCAN I

Identification success rates in the post-Spanish Civil War mass graves located in the cemetery of Paterna, Spain: Meta-research on 15 mass graves with 933 subjects

Forensic Sci Int. 2024 Aug;361:112122. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2024.112122. Epub 2024 Jun 25


Etoz M, Çabuk Soydan D,  Kutuk  N, ERCAN I

Association Between Articular Eminence Structure and Joint Spaces in Temporomandibular Joints with Anterior Disc Displacement
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 27(3):p 408-414, March, 2024.  DOI: 10.4103/njcp.njcp_710_23

Balcin O, ERCAN I , Uzunoglu A

Evaluation of the risk of thyroid cancer following hysterectomy through meta-analysis
Ginekologia Polska 2024, vol. 95, no. 6, 434–442, DOI 10.5603/gpl.95791

Erdemli Gursel B, ERCAN I, Sahin I, Ongen G

Morphometric Shape Analysis of Corpus Callosum in Children With Down Syndrome
Clinical Pediatrics, Volume 63, Issue 6, June 2024, Pages 815-821, DOI: 10.1177/00099228231196933

Dincgez B, ERCAN I, Sahin I, Kender Erturk N

The risk of developing gestational diabetes mellitus in maternal subclinical hypothyroidism: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2024 Mar;309(3):765-774. doi: 10.1007/s00404-023-07137-y. Epub 2023 Jul 12.

Sanchis-Gimeno  JA, ERCAN I, Llido S, Toluk O, Cini NT,  Turan Ozdemir  S, Nalla S

Arcuate foramen prevalence in South African subjects: A cadaveric study based on 120 atlas vertebrae,

Translational Research in Anatomy, Vol 33, Nov 2023, 100271,


Sessiz R, ERCAN I, Ozkan G, Toluk O

Evaluation of sex dimorphism of the mandible with geometric morphometric analysis: conventional and reconstructed panoramic radiography study

Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy (2023) 45:1497–1504


Yenigul NN, Dincgez B, Uzunoglu A, ERCAN I

Investigating the predictive role of uterocervical angle in predicting preterm labor in singleton pregnancies: a meta-analysis
Ginekologia Polska, 2023;94(12):990-996. doi: 10.5603/gpl.95194. Epub 2023 Aug 29.
ERCAN I, Dincgez B, Uzunoglu A, Yenigul NN
Evaluation of the predictive role of anterior uterocervical angle in preterm labor in twin gestation through meta-analysis: anterior uterocervical angle and preterm labor in twin gestation
Journal Of Gynecology Obstetrıcs And Human Reproductıon, 2022 June Vol 51, Issue 6, 102397

Sahin I, Toluk O, Kesin Kaskır F, Uzunoglu A, Yabacı Tak A, ERCAN I

Compliance with General Rules and Periodically Differences During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Türkiye: A Cross-Sectional Study

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, DOI: 10.5336/medsci.2022-91461

Goktas O, ERCAN I, Ersoy C, Uzunoglu A, Can FE

Does vitamin D level have an effect on COVID-19 positivity and COVID-19 related mortality? A retrospective study

Journal of the Pakıstan Medıcal Assocıatıon, 2022, Sep;72(9)1779-1782

Gunes A, Sigirli D, ERCAN I, Özdemir Turan S, Durmus Y, Yildiz T

Evaluation of the corpus callosum shape in patients with obstructive sleep apnea

Sleep Breath, 2022 Sep;26(3):1201-1207


Turk Y, ERCAN I, Sahin I, Erdemli Gursel B, Uzunoglu A, Oge C, Beyazyuz E, Albayrak Y

Corpus callosum in schizophrenia with deficit and non-deficit syndrome: a statistical shape analysis

General Psychiatry, 2021 Dec 1;34(6)
Ahmadian R, Uncu Y, ERCAN I, Toluk O
Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Antibiotics Use and an Examination on Patient’s Unrealistic Health Symptoms in Turkey
Electronic Journal of General Medicine 2022, 19(1), emXXX
Goktas O, Can FE, Yakar B , ERCAN I , Akalin EH
Seasonal influenza vaccine awareness and factors affecting vaccination in Turkish Society
Pak J Med Sci  2022 Mar-Apr;38(4Part-II):893-899
Sigirli D, Ozdemir ST, Erer S, Sahin I, ERCAN I, Ozpar R, Orun MO, Hakyemez B.
Statistical shape analysis of putamen in early-onset Parkinson's disease.
Clin Neurol Neurosurg,  Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2021;209:106936.
Aslıer M, Aslıer NGY, ERCAN I, Keskin S
Clustering upper airway physicals, otitis media with effusion and auditory functions in children
Auris Nasus Larynx, 2022 (49) 195-201

Elbek Cubukcu C, ERCAN I, Ozkaya G

Dental caries severity and related factors of 1307 Turkish boarding school children

Niger J Clin Pract, 2021 Oct;24(10):1476-1484

Goktas O, Ersoy C, ERCAN I, Can FE
Vitamin D status in the adult population of Bursa-Turkey
European Journal of General Practice, 2020 Dec;26(1):156-162
Toluk O, Ozdemir A, Sahin I, Yildiz S, Erkul SN, ERCAN I
Evaluation of Nursing Students' Medical Waste Knowledge Level
Journal of Nursing Science, 2021 4(2) 52–58
Temizel EM, Karakuş AÖ, Kavukcu F, Udum Küçükşen D, ERCAN I
IGF-1 and GH alterations in lambs with intestinal inflammation
Turkısh Journal of Veterınary And Anımal Scıences (2021) 45: 354-362
Toluk O, ERCAN I, Akalın EH
Examınatıon of Incidences of HIV Infectıon And Tuberculosıs in Some Selected European Countrıes Wıth Statistical Process Control
Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci. 2021;41(1):36-45

Sahin I, Ersoy C, ERCAN I, Dirican I

Evaluation of Thyroid Function Tests of Primary Hypothyroidism Diagnosed Cases’ by Using Big Data: 13-Year Single Center Experience
Journal of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, 2020;6(4):275-281 
Ahmadian R, Uncu Y, ERCAN I
Turkey in Between European Union Countries in the New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak; An Examination of the Doubling Times
Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Science  2020;40(2):220-7
Toluk O, Dinçgez Çakmak B, ERCAN I, Uncu Y
Analysis from Statistical Perspective of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Cases in Turkey: How are the Things Going on?
Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Science 2020;40(2):228-35
Koç U, ERCAN I, Özdemir S, Bolu S, Yabaci A, Taydaş O
Statistical shape analysis of hand and wrist in paediatric population on radiographs
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2020; 50(5): 1288–1297
Sigirli D, Gunes A, Turan Ozdemir S, ERCAN I, Durmus Y, Erdemli Gursel B
Statistical shape analysis of corpus callosum in restless leg syndrome
Neurological Research. 2020 Sep;42(9):760-766
Uzabaci E, Ozyigit O, ERCAN I, Arda O.
Her-2 Positivity Rate in Dogs with Mammary Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society 2020, 71(2): 2141-2148
Uzabacı E, ERCAN I, Oğan MM
Examination of Meat Consumption Preferences of Academician Veterinarians: Example of Bursa Province
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2019, 35(3): 139-143
Tas EO, Pala E, ERCAN I, Sag S. 
Investigating The Impact of Polysomy 17 in Breast Cancer Patients With HER2 Amplification Through Meta-Analysis
Turkish Journal of Biochemistry 2019, 44(4):411-416 
Ulus L, Yalcintas Sezgin E, Albishir MB, ERCAN I
Intercultural Study: Mothers Attitudes to Their Children in Early Childhood Periods in Nigeria and Turkey
International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences 2019, 10(36):538-550
Goktas O, Ersoy C, ERCAN I, Can FE
General and abdominal obesity prevelances and their relations with metabolic syndrome components
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 2019;35(4):945-950
Kaya MO, Ozturk S, ERCAN I, Gonen M, Kocabicak E, Erol FS.
Statistical Shape Analysis of Subthalamic Nucleus in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease. 
Wold Neurosurgery 2019; 126:e835-e841
Turan Ozdemir S, ERCAN I, Can FE, Ocakoglu G, Demirdogen Cetinoglu E, Ursavas A
Three-Dimensional Analysis of Craniofacial Shape in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Using Geometric Morphometrics
International Journal of Morphology 2019; 37(1):338-343
Tas EO, Sag S. ERCAN I 
Investigating the Impact Of Polysomy 17 In Breast Cancer Patients Without Amplification Through Meta-Analysis
International Journal Of Hematology And Oncology 2018;28(2):95-103
Albishir MB, ERCAN I, Alpu O, Tanridiler A, Can FE.
Prevalence of Nuclear and Extended Family with At Least One Disable Individual in Turkey.
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences 2018;38(3):248-56 
Altan L, Celiker R, ERCAN I, Birtane M, Akgün K, Zateri C, Tastekin N, Rezvani A, Aktaş I, Ozdolap S, Dursun E, Dursun N, Sarıkaya S.
The reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Fibromyalgia Participation Questionnaire.
Eur J Rheumatol. 2018 Mar;5(1):40-44
Alper ZERCAN IUncu Y.
A Meta-Analysis and the Evaluation of Trends in Obesity Prevalence among Children and Adolescents aged 5-19 in Turkey: 1990 through 2015
J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol 2018 Mar 1;10(1):59-67
Turan Ozdemir S, Can FE, Isiklar S, ERCAN I, Cankur NS
Periorbital Soft Tissue Anthropometric Analysis of Turkish Young Adults
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2017 28;4:p e311–e318
Altunsoy F, ERCAN I, Ocakoglu G
Analysis of Morphometric Characteristics of Different Populations of Tabanus bromius Linne 1758 (Diptera: Tabanidae)
Pakistan Journal of Zoology . 2017 49;3: p1013-1018. 
Dilektasli AG, Demirdogen Cetinoglu E, Uzaslan E, Budak F, Coskun F, Ursavas A, ERCAN I, Ege E.
Serum CCL-18 level is a risk factor for COPD exacerbations requiring hospitalization.
Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2017 Jan 5;12:199-208.
Sınır GO , Suna S , Inan S , Bagdas D , Tamer CE , Copur OU , Sigirli D , Sarandol E , Sonmez G , ERCAN I, Evrensel T , Tarım OF , Eren E , Uylaser V , Incedayı B
Effects of long-term consumption of high fructose corn syrup containing peach nectar on body weight gain in sprague dawley rats
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 37(2): 337-343, Apr.-June 2017
Sarkut P, Isik O, Ozturk E, Gulcu B, ERCAN I, Yilmazlar T.
Gender does not affect the prognosis of Fournier’s gangrene: a case-matched study
Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2016 Nov;22(6):541-544
Cangur S, Yaman C, ERCAN I, Yaman M, Tok S
The relationship of anthropometric measurements with psychological criteria in female athletes
Psychology, Health & Medicine, 2016 Sep 20:1-7.
Yazici B, Koch GG, ERCAN I, Pincus T, Agaoglu E, Bingol U
Examining the socio‐demographic characteristics of osteoarthritis patients
Journal of Scientific Research and Development 2016, 3 (7): 65-72
Sahin N, Turan Ozdemir S, Ocakoglu G, ERCAN I, Atıcı T, Kurdoglu U
Is axial shape of distal femur different in normal and osteoarthritic female patients?
Joıint Diseases and Related Surgery 2016;27(2):68-73
Can FE, Atis S, Ocakoglu G, ERCAN I.
Conversion Rates of Abstracts Presented: A Web Survey About ERCIM 2012 And 14th National Biostatistics Congress
Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Biostatistics 2016;8(1):82-6
Topal NB, Sarkut P, Dundar HZ, Sahin AU, ERCAN I, Ayyıldız T, İşçimen R, Kiyici M, Kaya E, Emiroglu R
The correlation between Doppler US measurement of hepatic arterial flow and the MELD score in patients with chronic liver disease
European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 2016 Jan;20(2):291-6.
Cangur S, ERCAN I, Ozkaya G
Co-Plot Method: A Research on Tobacco Control in the European Region 
Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Public Health - 2015, Volume 12, Number 4
Ocakoglu G, Taskapilioglu MO, ERCAN I, Demir AB, Hakyemez B, Bekar A, Bora I
Statistical shape analysis of temporal lobe in mesial temporal sclerosis patients
Acta Neurochirurgica, 2015, 157(11):1897-1903
ERCAN I, Hafızoğlu Ş, Özkaya G, Kırlı S, Yalçıntaş E, Akkaya C.
Examining Cut-Off Values For The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
Revista Argentina De Clinica Psicologica 2015; 24(2):143-148
Altan L,Sivrioglu Y, ERCAN I.
Can Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index be Affected by Accompanying Fibromyalgia or Depression?
Arch Rheumatol 2015;30(1):34-39
Yılmazlar T, Işık Ö, Öztürk E, Özer A, Gülcü B, ERCAN I
Fournier's gangrene: Review of 120 patients and predictors of mortality.
Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2014 Sep;20(5):333-7.
Alver O, Göral G,  ERCAN I
Investigation of Serological Results of Patients with Suspected Toxoplasmosis Admitted to the ELISA Laboratory of Uludağ University Hospital between 2002-2008.
Turkiye Parazitol Derg. 2014 Sep;38(3):141-6.
Gunel Karadeniz P, Bekiroglu N, ERCAN I, Altan L.
Application of Rasch Analysis to Turkish version of ECOS-16 questionnaire
Journal of Applied Measurement 2014;15(3):302-312
Etoz M, Ozdemir ST, Sigirli D, Demirbas AE, ERCAN I, Etoz OA, Sisman Y
Evaluation of Bony Structures on Panoramic Radiographs with Statistical Shape Analysis in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Pain and Limited Mouth Opening.
e-Journal of Dentistry 2013;3(4):495-500
Kanat O, Cubukcu E, Avci N, Budak F, ERCAN I, Canhoroz M, Olmez F.
Comparison of three different treatment modalities in the management of cancer cachexia.
Tumori. 2013 Mar-Apr;99(2):229-33
Alper Z, Uncu Y, Akalin H, ERCAN I, Sinirtas M, Bilgel NG
Diagnosis of acute tonsillopharyngitis in primary care: a new approach for low-resource settings
Journal of Chemotherapy, 2013 June,25(3)148-155
Ozkaya G, Ozyigit G, ERCAN I, Arican I
Comparing the Hearts of German Shepherd and Mongrel Dogs Using Statistical Shape Analysis
Pakistan Veterinary Journal 2013; 33(2): 187-90.
Atıcı E, ERCAN İ, Cangür S, Büyükusal MÇ

Sağlık Bilimleri Alanındaki Bilimsel Makalelerde Elektronik Kaynak Kullanımı Ve Yayın Etiği

Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 2013;33(2):448-54
Ocakoglu G, Ozdemir ST, ERCAN I, Etoz A
The shape of the external human ear: a geometric morphometric study.
Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2013;33(1):184-90
Vural P, Sigirli D,  Eray S, ERCAN I, Kilic EZ
Ergenlerde Kısaltılmış Duygu Dışavurum Ölçeği Güvenilirlik ve Geçerlilik Çalışması
Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 2013;33(1):191-9.
Sigirli D, Ozdemir ST,  ERCAN I, Taskapilioglu O, Hakyemez B, Sener DK, Zarifoglu M
Statistical Shape Analysis of the Corpus Callosum and the Cerebellum in Migraine Patients
Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences 2013; 33(1):200-9.
Baskan EB,  ERCAN I,  Ozdemir ST, Ozkaya G, Yilmaz M, Ozgenel Y, Saricaoglu H.
A case of Parry-Romberg Syndrome: Examining effıcacy of lipofilling by statistical shape analysis
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences 2013;33(1):284-9.
Ozkaya G, Taskapılıoglu O, ERCAN I.

Statistical shape analysis of handwriting of patients with multiple sclerosis

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences 2012;32(6):1702-9.
Etoz A, ERCAN I.
"Anthropometric Analysis of The Nose", "Handbook of Anthropometry: Physical Measures of Human Form in Health and Disease",
Springer, Chapter 54, 2012, pp.919-926.
Karkucak M, Ursavas A, Ocakoglu G, Gorukmez O, Yakut T, ERCAN I, Karadag M

Analysıs Of Tnf-Alpha G308a And C857t Gene Polymorphısms In Turkısh Patıents Wıth Obstructıve Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences 2012;32(5):1368-1373.
Sigirli D, ERCAN I, Ozdemir, S. T., Taskapilioglu O., Hakyemez B., Turan O.F.

Shape analysis of the corpus callosum and the cerebellum in female MS patients with different clinical phenotypes.

The The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 2012; 2957:1202-11.
Yıldırım N, Gökalp G, Oztürk E, Zorluoğlu A, Yılmazlar T, ERCAN I, Savcı G.
Ideal combination of MRI sequences for perianal fistula classification and the evaluation of additional findings for readers with varying levels of experience.
Diagn Interv Radiol. 2012 Jan;18(1):11-9.
Cubukcu CE, Sevinir B, ERCAN I.
Disturbed dental development of permanent teeth in children with solid tumors and lymphomas.
Pediatric Blood Cancer. 2012 Jan;58(1):80-4.
Şen F, Akpinar T A, Ozkan L, ERCAN I,  Oğur Ü, DemirtaşY Ö, Gözcü S.
PET/BT’de Radyasyona Bağlı Akciğer Hasarı: Küçük Hücreli Dışı Akciğer Kanseri Hastalarında Belirli Eş Doz Radyasyon Bölgelerinde FDG Tutulum Yanıtının Analizi
Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2011;31(5):1218-26
Alver O, Heper Y , ERCAN I, Akalin H , Tore,O
Prevalence of intestinal parasites in Bursa Province of Turkey and assessment of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and three microscopic methods in the diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba dispar
African Journal Of Microbiology Research, 2011, 5(12):1443-1449
Gulten T, Evke E, ERCAN I, Evrensel T, Kurt E, Manavoglu O
Lack of genotoxicity in medical oncology nurses handling antineoplastic drugs: Effect of work environment and protective equipment.
Work. 2011 Jan 1,39(4): 485-9
Baskan EB,  Turan H, ERCAN I, Yazıcı S,  Ozkaya G, Sarıcaoglu H

Pitriyazis Rozea Olgularında Demografik Özellikler ve İklimsel Faktörlerin İncelenmesi

Turkderm, 2011, 45(2):97-99.
Colak, C., ERCAN, I., Dogan, M., Ozdemir, S. T., Sener, S. and Alkan
A.Detecting the Shape Differences of the Corpus Callosum in Behçet's Disease by Statistical Shape Analysis.
The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 2011 May,294(5):870-874
Nazlioglu HO, ERCAN I, Bilgin T, Ozuysal S.
Expression of p16 in serous ovarian neoplasms.
European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology, 2010,31(3):312-4.
Gurcan S, Alver O, ERCAN I, Ener B
Çeşitli Candida Türlerinde Virülansın Değerlendirilmesi: In Vitro Ve In Vivo Çalışma
Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2010,30(5):1493-502
Gokalp G, Yildirim N, Yazici Z, ERCAN I.
Using chemical-shift MR imaging to quantify fatty degeneration within supraspinatus muscle due to supraspinatus tendon injuries.
Skeletal Radiol. 2010 Dec,39(12):1211-7
Yilmazlar T, Ozturk E, Ozguc H, ERCAN I, Vuruskan H, Oktay B.
Fournier's gangrene: an analysis of 80 patients and a novel scoring system.
Techniques in Coloproctology, 2010 Sep,14(3):217-23.
Ozdemir ST, ERCAN I, Ozkaya G, Cankur NS, Erdal YS.
Geometric Morphometric Study and Cluster Analysis of Late Byzantine and Modern Human Crania.
Collegium Antropologicum  2010,34 (2): 493–99.
Altan L, ERCAN I, Konur S.
Reliability and validity of Turkish version of the patient rated tennis elbow evaluation.
Rheumatol Int. 2010 Jun,30(8):1049-54
 Ozen NS, ERCAN I, Irgil E, Sigirli D.
Anxiety Prevalence and Affecting Factors Among University Students
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2010 Jan, 22(1):127-33.

ERCAN I, Yüksel S, Özkaya G, Ocakoğlu G, Yüksel A, Uncu Y

Tıp Fakültesi Örtük Program Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi

Cerrahpaşa Tıp Dergisi, 2009, 40(3): 81-87
Ak Sonat F, ERCAN I, Ozdemir ST, Ozkaya G, Noyan B.
Statistical  Shape Analysis of the Rat Hippocampus in Epilepsy
Anatomical Science International, 2009 Dec, 84:298-304.
Gokalp G, Topal U, Bolca N, ERCAN I.
Chemical Shift MRI: Is There any Contribution to Morphologic Evaluation of Solid Breast Masses?
Academic Radiology, 2009 Oct,16(10):1263-71.
Ozdemir ST,  Sigirli D, ERCAN I, Cankur NS.  
Photographic Facial Soft Tissue Analysis of Healthy Turkish Young Adults: Anthropometric Measurements
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2009 Mar, 33:175-184.
Ozturk A, Sarihan S, ERCAN I, Karadag M.
Evaluating quality of life and pulmonary function of long-term survivors of non-small cell lung cancer treated with radical or postoperative radiotherapy.
American Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2009 Feb,32(1):65-72
Duran C, Tuncel E, Ersoy C, ERCAN I, Selimoglu H, Kiyici S, Guclu M, Erturk E, Imamoglu S.
The investigation of the efficacy of insulin glargine on glycemic control when combined with either repaglinide or acarbose in obese Type 2 diabetic patients.
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 2009 Feb,32(1):69-73.
ERCAN I, Ozdemir ST, Etoz A, Sigirli D, Tubbs RS, Loukas M, Guney I
Facial asymmetry in young healthy subjects evaluated by statistical shape analysis
Journal of Anatomy, 2008 Dec,213(6):663-9.
ERCAN I, Irgıl E, Sigirli D, Ozen NS, Kan I
Evaluation of anxiety among medical and engineering students by factor analysis
Studia Psychologica, 50, 2008, 3
Aydın SA, Bulut M, Ozguc H, ERCAN I, Turkmen N, Eren B, Esen M
Should the New Injury Severity Score replace the Injury Severity Score in the Trauma and Injury Severity Score?
Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, 2008 Oct,14(4):308-312
Etöz BC, Etoz A, ERCAN I
Nasal shapes and related differences in nostril forms: a morphometric analysis in young adults.
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2008 Sep,19(5):1402-8.
Ursavaş A, ERCAN I, Arabacı R, Sekir U, Ozkaya G, Demirdogen E, Karadağ M, Gozu R.O.
The Association Between Snoring, Daytime Sleepiness And Obesity in Professional Wrestlers.
European Journal of General Medicine, 2008,5(1):9-15
Ursavas A, Karadag M, Nalci N, ERCAN I, Gozu RO.
Self-reported snoring, maternal obesity and neck circumference as risk factors for pregnancy-induced hypertension and preeclampsia.
Respiration, 2008,76(1):33-9
A Ozcakir, Y Uncu, G Sadikoglu, ERCAN I, N Bilgel
Students’ Views about Doctor-Patient Communication, Chronic Diseases and Death
Education for Health, 2008 Mar,21(1):149
Kirdak T, Yilmazlar A, Cavun S, ERCAN I, Yilmazlar T.
Does single, low-dose preoperative dexamethasone improve outcomes after colorectal surgery based on an enhanced recovery protocol? Double-blind, randomized clinical trial.
The American Surgeon, 2008 Feb,74(2):160-7.
Akdag I, Yilmaz Y, Kahvecioglu S, Bolca N, ERCAN I, Ersoy A, Gullulu M.
Clinical value of the malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis syndrome for long-term prediction of cardiovascular mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease: a 5-year prospective study.
Nephron Clinical Practice, 2008,108(2):c99-c105.
Topal NB, Gurel S, ERCAN I, Savci G.
The role of ultrasonography and computed tomography in determining the etiology of ascites
Saudi Medical  Journal, 2007 Dec,28(12):1822-6.
Yilmaz M, Saba D, Karal I, ERCAN I, Kumtepe G, Gurbuz O, Senkaya I, Cengiz M
Postoperative Outcomes after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in EuroSCORE Low- and High-Risk Women
The Heart Surgery Forum,  2007, 10 (6):482-486
Ursavas A, Karadag M, ERCAN I, Ozkubat O, Yeşilkaya S, Coskun F, Gozu R.O.

Serum Carcınoembryonıc Antıgen Level As A Predıctıve Marker For Dıstant Metastasıs In Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

European Journal of General Medicine,  2007, 4(3):107-114
Ursavas A, Karadag M, Ilcol YO, ERCAN I, Burgazlioglu B, Coskun F, Gozu RO.
Low level of IGF-1 in obesity may be related to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Lung, 2007 Sep-Oct,185(5):309-14
Sadikoglu G, Ozcakir A, ERCAN I, Ozkaya G, Sadikoglu MY.
To evaluate the difference of risk factors in patients with lower extremity venos disease
Saudi Medical Journal, 2007 Aug,28(8):1257-62
Bostan OM, Cil E, ERCAN I
The prospective follow-up of the natural course of interatrial communications diagnosed in 847 newborns
European Heart Journal, 2007 Aug,28(16):2001-5
Fedakar R, Aydiner AH, ERCAN I

A comparison of "life threatening injury" concept in the Turkish Penal Code and trauma scoring systems

Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery. 2007 Jul,13(3):192-8

 Ozdemir ST, ERCAN I, Sevinc O, Guney I, Ocakoglu G, Aslan E, Barut C.
Statistical Shape Analysis of Differences in the Shape of the Corpus Callosum Between Genders
The Anatomical Record, 2007 Jul,290(7):825-30
Ozcakir A, Yaphe J, ERCAN I
Perceptions of family medicine and career choice among first year medical students: A cross-sectional survey in a Turkish Medical School
Collegium Antropologicum, 2007 Jun,31(2):595-600
Ursavas A, Karadag M, Ilcol YO, Burgazlioglu B, ERCAN I, Gozu RO
Relationship Between Serum Substance P Levels and Daytime Sleepiness in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
Chest, 2007 May,131(5):1400-1405.
Bulbul B E,Yilmaz E, Saricaoglu H, Alkan G, ERCAN I, Mistik R, Adim S B, Goral G, Dilek K, Tunali S
Detection of parvovirus B19 DNA in the lesional skin of patients with Behcet's disease.
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 2007 Mar,32(2):186-90
Saglam H, Buyukuysal L, Koksal N, ERCAN I, Tarim O
Increased incidence of congenital hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency.
Pediatrics International, 2007 Feb,49(1):76-79.
ERCAN I, Etoz A, Guney I, Ocakoglu G, Ozdemir ST, Kan I, Kahveci R.
Statistical shape analysis of nose in Turkish young adults.
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2007 Jan,18(1):219-224.
Baykara M, ERCAN I, Ozcetin H
Microincisional cataract surgery (MICS) with pulse and burst modes.
European Journal of Ophthalmology, 2006 Nov-Dec,16(6):804-8.
Sadikoglu G, Ozcakir A,  ERCAN I, Yildiz C, Sadikoglu Y
Does the anatomical localization of lower extremity venous diseases affect the quality of life?
Saudi Medical Journal, 2006 Nov,27(11):1683-1687.
Bulbul B E, Baykara M, ERCAN I, Tunali S, Yucel A.
Vitiligo and ocular findings: a study on possible associations.
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 2006 Aug,20(7):829-33.
Yalcinkaya U, Ozuysal S, Bilgin T, ERCAN I, Saraydaroglu O, Demir D.
Nm23 expression in node-positive and node-negative endometrial cancer.
International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 2006 Oct,95(1):35-9.
ERCAN I, Ozkaya G, Alper Z, Ediz B, Bayman E. O., Kan, Bilgel N.
Algorithm for ıncreasing patient satisfaction related with non-technical dimension of services in Turkey.
European Journal of General Medicine  2006, 3(2):73-77
ERCAN I, Coskun F, Cangur S, Ursavas A, Uzaslan E, Ege E, Kan I.
An analysis of patients diagnosed with pulmonary embolism in terms of clinical and meteorological data.
Saudi Medical Journal, 2006 Apr,27(4):555-7.
Hacimustafaoglu M, Celebi S, Sarimehmet H, Gurpinar A, ERCAN I.
The evaluation and cluster analysis of parapneumonic effusion in childhood.
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 2006 Feb,52(1):52-5. Epub 2005 Jun 24.
Alper Z, Sapan N, ERCAN I, Canitez Y, Bilgel N.
Risk factors for wheezing in primary school children in Bursa, Turkey.
American journal of rhinology, 2006 Jan-Feb,20(1):53-63.
Uncu Y, Ozcakir A, ERCAN I, Bilgel N, Uncu G.
Pregnant women quit smoking, what about fathers? Survey study in Bursa Region, Turkey.
Croatian Medical Journal, 2005 Oct,46(5):832-7.
Kurt M, Ozkan L, Yilmazlar T, ERCAN I, Zorluoglu A, Memik F, Engin K.
Postoperative concomitant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer.
Hepato-Gastroenterology, 2005 Sep-Oct,52(65):1411-5.
Kurt M, Ozkan L, ERCAN I, Kahraman S, Zorluoglu A, Gurel S, Memik F, Engin K.
Preoperative chemoradiotherapy in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer.
Hepato-Gastroenterology, 2005 Jul-Aug,52(64):1095-100.
Sarihan S, ERCAN I, Saran A, Cetintas SK, Akalin H, Engin K.
Evaluation of infections in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with radiotherapy.
Cancer Detection and Prevention, 2005,29(2):181-8.
 Punduk Z, Gur H, ERCAN I.
A reliability study of the Turkish version of the mornings-evenings questionnaire.
Turk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 2005 Spring,16(1):40-5.
Hakyemez B, Erdogan C, ERCAN I, Ergin N, Uysal S, Atahan S.
High-grade and low-grade gliomas: differentiation by using perfusion MR imaging.
Clinical Radiology, 2005 Apr,60(4):493-502.
Arslan M, Evrensel T, Kurt E, Demiray M, ERCAN I, Kanat O, Ozkan A, Manavoglu O.
Comparison of the serum erythropoietin levels in chemotherapy-naive and cisplatin-treated cancer patients
Neoplasma, 2005,52(1):43-5.
Hakyemez B, Erdogan C, Yildiz H, ERCAN I, Parlak M.
Apparent diffusion coefficient measurements in the hippocampus and amygdala of patients with temporal lobe seizures and in healthy volunteers. 
Epilepsy & Behavior, 2005 Mar,6(2):250-6.
Ersoy C, Imamoglu S, Tuncel E, Erturk E, ERCAN I
Comparison of the factors that influence obesity prevalence in three district municipalities of the same city with different socioeconomical status: a survey analysis in  an urban Turkish population
Preventive Medicine, 2005 Feb,40(2):181-8.
Hacimustafaoglu M, Celebi S, Sarimehmet H, Gurpinar A, ERCAN I.
Necrotizing pneumonia in children.
Acta Paediatrica, 2004 Sep,93(9):1172-7.
Yakut T, Ali R, Egeli U, Ozkalemkas F, ERCAN I, Ozcelik T, Ozkocaman V, Yigit B, Tunali A.
Comparison of genetic changes between interphase and metaphase nuclei in monitoring CML and APL treatment using DC-FISH technique.
Cancer Biology & Therapy, 2004 Sep,3(9):858-63.
Sarihan S, Kayisogullari U, ERCAN I, Engin K.
Randomized phase 2 study of radiotherapy alone versus radiotherapy with paclitaxel in non-small cell lung cancer.
The Journal of International Medical Research, 2004 Jul-Aug,32(4):375-83.
Ozuysal S, Bilgin T, Ozan H, Kara HF, Ozturk H, ERCAN I.
Angiogenesis in endometrial carcinoma: correlation with survival and clinicopathologic risk factors.
Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, 2003,55(3):173-7.
Ersoy A, Yavuz M, Usta M, ERCAN I, Aslanhan I, Gullulu M, Kurt E, Emir G, Dilek K, Yurtkuran M.
Survival analysis of the factors affecting in mortality in injured patients requiring dialysis due to acute renal failure during the Marmara earthquake: survivors vs non-survivors.
Clinical Nephrology, 2003 May,59(5):334-40.
Gulten T, Tokyay N, Demiray M, Gulten M, ERCAN I, Evke E, Sardas S, Karakaya AE.
The role of triple therapy, age, gender and smoking on the genotoxic effects of Helicobacter pylori infection.
The Journal of International Medical Research, 2002 Jul-Aug,30(4):380-5.
Tunca B, Cecener G, Gebitekin C, Egeli U, Ediz B, ERCAN I.
Investigation of genetic susceptibility to non-small cell lung cancer by fragile site expression.
Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis, 2002,22(3):205-15.
Gulten T, Tarim O, ERCAN I
Lack of chromosomal aberrations in patients with goiter and lodine deficiency
International Pediatrics, Vol 17, No 2, 2002
Tarim O, Kucukerdogan A, Gunay U, Eralp O, ERCAN I.
Effects of iron deficiency anemia on hemoglobin A1c in type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Pediatrics International, 1999 Aug,41(4):357-62.